Friday, October 9, 2009

First cover

"With the second full moon,
every one hundred years,
the Creature Company
Catalogue appears.

Selling quality monsters
for every occasion--
a birthday, a bully,
a summer vacation!

Always a bargain,
but not at all cheap,
once paid for, these monsters
earn more than their keep.

But if things don't work out,
and you're not filled with glee,
remember, there is
no money back guarantee.

So make your choice wisely,
consider all thought,
the scare all your friends
with the monster you've bought!"

This project, which is now called "Spookeasy," began in 1996. First as "Mail Order Monsters"--until I found out that name had been used for a video game--then it was "The Creature Company Catalogue." It was styled as a catalogue of monsters that kids could order from, if they needed some inhuman help with a difficult problem.

 I sent it around to some children's book publishers without success. Those that did reply said it was a fun and clever project, but not something they would normally publish.

So, I've kept pushing the project along with varying degrees of enthusiasm, and alternately, leaving it to languish in neglect. However, I do have a fair amount of work done for it. I thought this blog would be a good place to present it and hopefully give it a life of it's own.

Here's the front cover as envisioned back in 1996. Thanks for visiting.

All work on this blog is © Chris Chuckry

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